The amendments to the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programme of the Health Professions Council of South Africa:
The HPCSA has approved that authorised facilitators and providers of CPD programmes to submit the attendance registers directly to the HPCSA in order to update the practitioner’s CPD profile. This has been effectively commenced for some professional boards, as implemented on 1 February 2022, while the rest of the CPD providers and facilitators agreed to commence their submission effectively on 1 March 2022.
1.Register at https://hpcsaonline.custhelp.com
2.Login after registration
3.Click on Online Services
4.Then go to the 3rd column: it says ‘Service Request’ and click on CPD update request
5.A window will then open which will indicate the 3 things, namely: MP number, whether the doctor is CPD compliant or not and “Click here to proceed.”
6.Click on “Click here to proceed” The CPD points of the relevant doctor will then appear
2022 CPD programme update to practitioners
CPD – Frequently asked Questions
The amendments to the CPD Guidelines for Family Practitioner
THE HPCSA is also taking an active stance against professionals who are found to be non-compliant with CPD audits. In this new booklet on CPD guidelines, they have changed the awarding of Ethics CPD points from 2 points per hour to 1 point per hour. This essentially means that Health Professionals will need to make double the effort to ensure that they have sufficient CPD points per year.
HPCSA Booklet: CPD Guidelines for Family Practitioners
CPD Overview